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Lightning over the pier

It’s been for some time that I planned to take photos of a thunderstorm over the Orłowo pier. Earlier I tried to get some luck at the breakwater in Górki Zachodnie but the only thing […]

The exhibition in Thessaloniki

In late August / early September last year I won the 6th place in the “Centered” challenge at, attended by almost 14,000 participants. One of the four photos I entered in the contest was […]

Extender 2.0x

During my photo expedition to Greece I needed a long focal length. This was so because Dalmatian pelicans are not always sufficiently close, not to mention shy flamingoes. Since one of the lenses I took […]

Greece: Pelicans and flamingoes

There’s no better way to get experience than working with people better than you. That’s why at the end of January / beginning of February I participated in a photo expedition “Pelicans and Flamingoes” organised […]

Let’s start!

Even though the main reason why I created this website was to publish my selected photographs, I also decided to launch a blog. I am not a professional photographer and I don’t consider myself an […]